# **Welcome to Itraviel!**
*"In a faraway galaxy, a mystical world awaits where the arcane arts and cutting-edge technology intermingle. It is a world of heroes, villains, gods, and demons -- a land of stories, from its beginning to its end. Welcome to Itraviel."* The Itraviel Chronicles is a collection of interweaving storylines, all centered on the faraway world of Itraviel and its inhabitants. Itraviel is your typical fantasy world - everyone has supernatural powers, and the world itself is populated by mages, monsters, demons, and gods. But, with the help of magic, Itravien technology has always been on par with - and in some cases, far exceeding - that of modern day Earth. (Modern-day Earth itself also plays a huge part in this story.) If you’re looking for magical hijinks, powerful heroes and villains, royalty (that actually does something), found family, the power of love and friendship, and characters building their own lives how they want to live, then this world is for you. With little to no context, some of what goes on in this world is: A young princess with uncontrollable powers encounters new friends, enemies, and mysteries at a prestigious boarding school. An exiled princess framed for the murder of her family winds up at a hidden town ruled by a demon, and must work with a cursed guard, a disgraced potionmaker, and twin werewolves to clear her name and regain her birthright. A dance teacher looking for a little magic in her everyday life winds up on a quest to help a mysterious, magical prince save his kingdom from certain doom… In the aftermath of a world-changing event that brought alien magic to Earth, a battle rages in the shadows, between those who want to bring peace with their powers and those who think they should rule with an iron fist... Ten artistic friends bring their individual talents to make music and other content together - all while hiding their status as some of the most important heroes of the magical world. All these stories (and more) intersect in many ways, weaving a storyline that (spoiler alert) lasts from Itraviel’s birth to its inevitable, often-delayed apocalypse. Ideally, all these other stories would be written already, and you'd (hopefully) have already read them. Unfortunately, until we invent a machine that can seamlessly print thoughts onto a page and come up with a cure for perfectionism, it'll be a while before I have them all in a place I feel comfortable sharing them. Fortunately, I think I do a pretty good job of explaining any relevant information in the story itself -- and if I didn't, feel free to ask questions and call me out on it; I have a specific Ask Me Anything page just for that purpose! # **Some Setting Notes:** The story mostly takes place in the city of Mistvale -- it's a fictional version of my real-life home city, but with a new name inspired by its near-constant fogbanks. Timewise, it's set in December of 2019 -- mostly because that's when I took my own trip to Florida. You don't need to know much about Itraviel itself for this story, since not much of it actually takes place on the planet. (In fact, the only parts actually taking place on the faraway planet happen in what is essentially a fancy, magical airport terminal.) What you do need to know is: Itraviens don't physically age the same way we do. They grow up normally, but stop anywhere from their late twenties to early fifties. They also cannot die of old age -- anything else, however, is still on the table. Thanks to factors like a smaller population and magic-powered innovations, Itraviel has had technology equal to -- and often far surpassing -- Earth's, for a lot longer than Earth itself. It also has a lot of improvements in logistical issues like trade, transport, and quality-of-life -- again, mostly owing to the magic that every resident of the planet can use. It's not known to everyone, but Itravien goods and services are traded with Earth, and vice-versa. The two planets became connected because of the Genesis Event -- when a meteorite of Itravien origin crash-landed on Earth and began spreading the magic it contained to humans. The Genesis Event caused a lot of problems, but we'll touch on that in the story itself. Itraviel is composed of the Sixteen Kingdoms. Each of those kingdoms has a monarchy, but their power can range anywhere from complete to basically in-name-only.